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  • Superheroes, Science and Ira Flatow

    décembre 29, 2015
    • 3M engineers Ainsley Grant and Dr. Vasay Sahni with Ira Flatow, host of the Science Friday show.

      By Ainsley Grant, 3M Product Development Specialist, Renewable Energy Division

      Smack! Bam! POW! There’s nothing quite like the feeling that came from poring over your favorite childhood comics, filled with superheroes wielding powers like x-ray vision and super speed. But what would you say if I told you that some of those “powers” exist in real life? In a way they do, but it’s science – not superheroes – to the rescue.

      Earlier this month, my colleague Dr. Vasav Sahni and I had the opportunity to be a part of the Public Radio International show Science Friday when it came to St. Paul, Minnesota. Neither of us knew what to expect, but the evening was a blast. Host Ira Flatow (who posed with us for this fun photo) sat down with several scientists who use technology every day at work that most people have only dreamed about.

      One guest shared about a technology that helps firefighters detect objects and barriers even in buildings where they can’t see because of smoke. Another showed how technology helped reveal the original paint colors in some of Vincent van Gogh’s works. It was awesome to see how technology is influencing our lives in ways we could never have imagined.

      The learning didn’t stop there. The night took a competitive turn when we were pulled on stage to compete in a Superhero Quiz. Dr. Sahni and I competed against another team to answer questions about science and superheroes, and let me tell you, it got intense. If you want to know whether we made 3M proud, make sure to check out the Superhero Quiz segment airing on New Year’s Day.